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Behavioral Guidelines

The Board of Education identifies the following offenses as unacceptable student behavior and requiring corrective action for each. However, disciplinary offenses are not limited to those listed below when, in the judgment of the administration or the dean, such offenses disrupt the school climate, or constitute gross disobedience or misconduct as determined by the Board of Education or the administration. Corrective actions provide for progressive discipline for the chronic abuser of the same rule or for varying degrees of severity of the particular offense. School rules apply to and from school.

The listed disciplinary measures are a range of options that will not always be applicable in every case. In some circumstances, it may not be possible to avoid suspending or expelling a student because behavioral interventions, other than a suspension and expulsion, will not be appropriate and available, and the only reasonable and practical way to resolve the threat and/or address the disruption is a suspension or expulsion. In other cases where a suspension or expulsion may otherwise be the typical consequence, mitigating circumstances may warrant non-exclusionary interventions.

Behavior that interrupts the learning environment, but does not stop the learning process or compromise the safety of the school, may be considered mischievous. Teachers and staff will follow the Classroom Management Plans for mischievous behavior. Severe misbehaviors include, but are not limited to: acts of violence, weapons, overt defiance, substance abuse, vandalism and other behavior that prevents the safe functioning of the school. Students will be referred immediately to the dean for severe behavior.

District 204 does not permit corporal punishment. However, faculty and staff may use reasonable force as needed to protect property, others or themselves and to remove a student from the classroom or other areas for disruptive behavior.

Collaboration between the District and the Joliet Police Department respects for the important role each party holds in connection with our community’s youth and is essential to the success of the mission of both parties. Where it is necessary for Joliet Police Department to be present on school property, its employees will conduct themselves according to accepted legal practices, always recognizing the responsibility and authority of the District’s officials to manage the educational environment and work with them to minimize any impact its actions might have upon that environment. Both parties recognize that disciplining students will be for District officials to manage. Final discretion regarding whether to charge an individual with an ordinance, criminal, or traffic violation lies with the Joliet Police Department.

The Joliet Police Department’s activities shall align to the District’s identified needs for creating and maintaining its educational environment. All services rendered by the Joliet Police Department for the District shall seek to implement a partnership that creates effective and positive school student discipline that (a) functions in concert with efforts to address school safety and climate; (b) includes more than punitive measures, e.g., restorative discipline; (c) is clear, consistent, and equitable; and (d) reinforces positive behaviors.

When requested, district personnel will assist the Joliet Police Department with conducting inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and equipment owned or controlled by the District for illegal drugs, weapons, or other illegal or dangerous substances or materials, including searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs. If a search produces evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law, local
ordinance, or the District’s policies or rules, such evidence may be seized by school authorities and turned over to law enforcement authorities, and disciplinary action may be taken. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.6 and 10-22.10a. In addition, the campus principals will establish a regular chain of communication with the Joliet Police Department through their campus police liaison officers and will ensure the following:

  • Utilization of Joliet Police Department personnel when the safety and welfare of students and/or teachers are threatened by illegal use of drugs and alcohol. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.4a.
  • Immediate required reporting to local law enforcement authorities of any verified incident involving drugs in a school or on school owned or leased property, immediate required reporting by the Superintendent or designee to the local law enforcement authorities of all such drug-related incidents occurring in a school or on school property. 105 ILCS 5/10-27.1B.
  • Immediate required reporting to local law enforcement authorities of written complaints of batteries committed against teachers, teacher personnel, administrative personnel or educational support personnel. 105 ILCS 5/10- 21.7.
  • Immediate required notification to a local law enforcement agency upon receiving a report that any person has been observed in possession of a firearm on school grounds and any verified incident involving a firearm in a school or on school owned or leased property, other than a law enforcement official engaged in the conduct of his or her official duties. 105 ILCS 5/10-27.1A.

The Joliet Police Department shares required reports to applicable Building Principals whenever a child enrolled in the District is detained for proceedings under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 (705 ILCS 405/), or for any criminal offense or any violation of a municipal or county ordinance (105 ILCS 5/22-20). The report shall include the basis for detaining the child, circumstances surrounding the events that led to the child’s detention, and status of proceedings. The report shall be updated as appropriate to notify the Building Principal of developments and the disposition of the matter. Building Principals shall keep this information separate from the official school record of the student and ensure that it does not become part of the official school record of the student. Such information shall not be a public record and will be used solely by the appropriate school official or officials that the Building Principal determines have a legitimate educational or safety interest to aid in the proper rehabilitation of the child and to protect the safety of students and employees in the school. 105 ILCS 5/22-20.

The schools will work in cooperation with the police at all times. (School Board Policy 7:190)