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Student Log In                                                                                              Parent/Guardian Log In


SchooLinks is a user-friendly platform to help students develop a post-secondary identity. SchooLinks helps students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create a personal graduation plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life ready.

Using SchooLinks, high school students and parents can:
 - Access career interest, strength and mindset surveys
 - Explore 2-year and 4-year colleges
 - Create course plans based on career pathways
 - Take virtual reality college campus tours
 - Search for scholarships
 - Learn about financial aid
 - Find internship & volunteer opportunities
 - Explore traditional, emerging, and military career fields
 - Create digital portfolios & resumes
 - Communicate with counselors
 - Track college applications & Transcript requests
 - Request letters of recommendation

For more information about SchooLinks, visit  Helpful resources are below.