Activities are designed to keep healthy kids healthy and /or provide positive direction to borderline or experimental users. The 2018-19 Prevention/Education Activities are:
The No Name Club: The parent or umbrella organization of those activities listed below. No Name meetings are held twice a month and offer a variety of activities. Participants refer to their organization as, “A club that’s making a name for itself.”
Fingerprints: No Name students are trained and perform puppet shows to area third and fourth grade students on issues that include smoking, sharing, fighting, bullying and drug prevention.
Operation Snowball and Snowbound: A three day retreat where students work in large and small groups to discuss issues of importance to them. Previous topics of discussion have included leadership strategies, drug use and abuse concerns, gender issues, resiliency and decision making skills and acceptance.
Target: Students write and present skits to junior high students on issues appropriate to that age group. Presentations have been done on substance use, alcoholism in the family, teen pregnancy, hate crimes, gang violence, dating issues, divorce and racial tension. West students then discuss with the junior high students the importance of making positive decisions.
F.O.R. (Friends of Rachel)- This unique program provides the opportunity for your school to partner with Rachel's Challenge to continue the chain reaction of kindness and compassion in your school and community. The main goal of this club is to help create a permanent cultural change in our school.