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Family Engagement Liaison

Family Engagement Liaisons are dedicated to welcoming parents and helping them find ways to support their child's success. Strategy 3 of our Strategic Plan reads, "We will implement a holistic approach to supporting students through family, community, and student engagement, targeted supports, and flexible learning opportunities to improve student attendance and academic performance." 

Family Engagement Liaisons are excited to help families learn about how to succeed at JTHS and can help in many ways including: 

  • Campus Parent
  • Volunteer opportunities for parents/guardians to get involved with our school
  • Events and resources on campus and in the community for parents/guardians and families
  • Bilingual interpreting and translating at school
  • Help and encourage families to join and be involved in BPAC 

Language should not be a barrier to gaining information about your student's progress in school. Ensuring clear communication with all parents is crucial for fostering student success. Click the link below for best practices on how to effectively communicate through an interpreter.

Best Practices for Communicating Through an Interpreter