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Joliet West 8th Grade Preview Night for Incoming Freshmen Dec. 1

Joliet West to Host Night for Incoming Freshmen 

8th Grade Preview Night provides eighth grade students and parents with information about registration, testing, athletics, activities and more. 

Joliet West High School will host its annual 8th Grade Preview Night for incoming freshmen and their parents on Wednesday, December 1, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Joliet West High School, 401 N. Larkin Avenue in Joliet.  
The event kicks off in the Field House at 5:30 p.m. with an overview of athletics and activity offerings, followed by a series of programs parents and students can choose to attend.  Students and their parents can select up to four programs based on interest.  For program topics and information about available sessions, click HERE.  Following the sessions, parents and students can tour the school.  

Guests should enter through Door 14 off Glenwood Avenue near the fieldhouse.  Parking is available in all school lots.  Masks are required indoors, and guests must certify that they do not have COVID or COVID symptoms prior to entry or at the door through CrisisGo.  The link to certify through CrisisGo is HERE.
Contact Marcie Flores at 815-774-1645 or email with questions. 

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