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Summer Community Service Opportunities for Students

JTHS requires forty hours of documented community service for graduation.  Summer is a great time to complete community service.  Community service opportunities are below.  Students should bring a copy of the Community Service Form when they volunteer so that service hours are documented. 

Miracle League of Joliet 
Volunteers are needed to assist at the Miracle League of Joliet, which is located in the Slammers baseball field. The league has a variety of volunteer opportunities for students, including The Miracle League “buddy” system that pairs each player with a buddy to assist them on and off the field during a two-inning game. Guidance is generously offered by coaches, organization leaders and family members.  Miracle Legue has a spring and fall season from mid-May – June and Labor Day through October. The mission of the Miracle League Association is to: Provide opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball, regardless of their abilities; Promote community support and sponsorship of Miracle Leagues; and Promote the construction of special facilities which meet the unique needs of Miracle League players and their families.  To volunteer, contact Ms. Jeni Smith at (815) 280-8743 or

Lightways Hospice Plant Watering 
Lightways Hospice needs two or three student volunteers for 1 hour a day to water plants and flowers.  This is a great volunteer job for someone who wants to be outside.  Students can sign up for one or more days, and Lightways is very flexible with the time of day that watering takes place, so this community service opportunity is ideal for students who work. To sign up, contact Ms. Lisa Robertson at  or (779) 242-1533.   
JTHS Foundation Golf Outing 

Student volunteers are needed for the Foundation Golf Outing on Thursday, June 13, at Inwood Golf Club from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Volunteers will help in a variety of areas, including registration, raffles, hole monitors/subs, and other tasks as needed.  To sign up, email Ms. Hunt at

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