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Joliet West Families,

As we approach the first day of school on Monday, August 19, we are sharing important information about student drop off, pick up, and parking. 

As you may know, Joliet West High School is starting a 10-year facilities master plan. A key focus of this plan is improving parking and traffic flow around the school.  After conducting a traffic study and collaborating with an engineering firm, we're piloting a new traffic pattern to enhance safety in our parking lots and increase accessible parking for staff and students.

To learn more about these new procedures, view our brief Joliet West Drop Off & Pick Up Procedure Video.

Below are important reminders for safe driving as we implement these new procedures.

Drop-Off Safety: Do not drop students off on Glenwood Avenue while cars are stopped in the street. This practice not only violates traffic laws but also increases the risk of students being struck by a vehicle. 

New Drop/Off & Pick Up Traffic Flow: Vehicles dropping off or picking up students should enter the lot on Glenwood Avenue closest to the tennis courts and then proceed to the last row of parked cars and turn left. From there, move into one of the two designated pick-up/drop-off lanes. Do not use the lane closest to the school as this lane is reserved for school buses. For safety reasons, it is important that all students exit the vehicle promptly and use the crosswalk to enter the school at Door 5. 

Exiting the Lot: When exiting the lot for drop off and pick up, proceed to the end of the car lanes and merge into the turning lanes.  When turning onto Glenwood Avenue, it is important that you use the left turn lane to turn left and the right lane to turn right.

Congestion Awareness: Remember that nearly 4,000 staff and students enter and exit the building and parking lot at drop-off and dismissal. This will inevitably cause congestion, so we ask for your patience and understanding.

Restricted Access: From 8 to 8:30 a.m. and 2:45 to 3:30 p.m., no vehicles will be allowed to enter the lot near the cafeteria or the main entrance at the corner of Larkin and Glenwood. This restriction helps ensure that buses can park and pick up students safely without interference from moving vehicles.

No Parking in the Lots of Surrounding Businesses
Students are not allowed to park in the lots of any businesses surrounding Joliet West High School.  If a student drives to school but does not have a parking pass for one of the student lots, they may only park on the street if allowable according to the posted street signs.  Students who park in the lots of the surrounding businesses, or in a school lot without a pass, risk being ticketed or towed. This includes pick-up and drop-off times.

Student Parking Passes in Gravel Lot Still Available
Students wishing to park at Joliet West must complete the Student Parking Application.  The original application closed on July 26, 2024, and all paved lot passes have been issued for the 2024-2025 school year. Any student wishing to apply for a pass in the gravel lot for the 2024-2025 school year must complete the Student Parking Application. Students receiving a parking pass will then be called to the office and issued the parking tag.

We appreciate your cooperation in creating a safe environment for everyone.  Go Tigers and thank you for showing your Tiger Pride!

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