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Frosh, Soph, Jr Laptop

All students returning to Joliet Township High School in August of 2024 are to keep their school-issued laptops through the summer.

Laptop Tips

·        Keep your laptop in a location that will ensure it will be ready for use at the start of school

·        Keep out of extreme temperatures (do not leave in bookbag/car/trunk/outside, etc.)

·        Check your laptop periodically throughout the summer (turn on/login/charge)

·        It is essential to keep your laptop charged throughout the summer

·        If your laptop is not working, please bring it in for repairs at the Student Help Desk during the summer.  Student Help Desk hours during the summer are June 3 to July 26 Monday – Thursday 7 am – Noon; Closed: June 19, 27, and July 4

·        If during the summer you find out that you are not returning to Joliet Township High School, please return your laptop, power cord, and stylus to the Student Help Desk

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