The purpose of this club is to create a space where students who are interested in law can come and learn more about it whether they want to become a lawyer, government official, judge, politician or even if they are interested in learning more.
The Tiger Claw Law club will be open to all Joliet West students with an interest in the activities of the club.
The Tiger Claw Law Club will allow members to learn about the process of becoming a lawyer or pursuing a career in the law. Specifically, the group will explore what law school is like and how aspiring lawyers choose the amongst the various legal paths and careers. Additionally, members will explore the different types of courts and other players within the legal system.
The group would like to bring in speakers who are lawyers or who are involved in the law (judges, professors, law students, etc.) to get more of an idea of what they do and what they did to get to where they are now.
Finally, the group would offer members the opportunity to participate in group mock trials and will explore the possibility of attending some live court hearings / procedures where we can analyze them so that we can prepare for our own case in our mock trial.
As a club we will create a community that holds one another up in our pursuit of furthering our knowledge of law.
President: Lesly Hernandez|
Vice President: McKenna Anderson
Secretary: Isabella Gourley
Once we get more people involved, the group will whether more positions should be added to the board. Additionally, elections can be held to fill vacant / new positions as they arise.
Initially, the group would like to meet twice a month, one day after school being the first Wednesday of the month and before school being the 3rd Wednesday of month in room B105.