Accelerated Placement at JTHS
- What is accelerated placement?
- What is the process for acceleration?
- What does accelerated placement look like at JTHS?
- Accelerated Placement Summer Bridge
What is accelerated placement?
Public Act 101-0654, enacted in spring 2021, amended Article 14A of the School Code.
The Act specifies that a school district’s accelerated placement policy shall allow for the automatic enrollment in the following school term of a student into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework if the student meets or exceeds state standards in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, or science on a state assessment. This amendment applies to grade levels 9-12.
What is the process for acceleration?
Students will be automatically placed into the next most rigorous level of coursework which may include accelerated or Advanced Placement (AP) courses based on standardized assessment scores and meeting course prerequisites. Accelerated placement applies to required courses in our English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Departments. This plan does not prevent students who are not identified using the standardized test scores identified in this document from enrolling in advanced-level courses.
As partners in the course registration process, parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss course options with their student’s high school counselor. Parents/guardians are notified of the courses their student has been recommended for, including those in which their student will be automatically placed. A parent/guardian whose student is automatically accelerated may decline that placement.
What does accelerated placement look like at JTHS?
Joliet Township High School encourages all students to challenge themselves by taking the most rigorous courses which may include honors, dual credit, and/or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. This plan aligns with the district’s goal of providing educational programs with opportunities for students to develop to their maximum potential.
Students who are on track for college and career readiness based upon the College Board PSAT/SAT benchmarks are highly encouraged to enroll in honors or AP (Advanced Placement) classes. Enrolling in honors/AP courses in high school provides students with academic challenges, college preparation, a competitive edge in college admissions and job markets, advanced knowledge, skill development, potential college credits, and opportunities for intellectual growth and networking.
Current benchmarks from the College Board and based on the PSAT/SAT for acceleration are as follows:
Grade 9
Students who meet the benchmark in ERW and/or math will be automatically accelerated into the recommended class. Parents may decide to opt out of one or all of the courses should the parent/student decide they do not want to participate in these courses at this time. Parents will need to opt out using an opt-out form provided by the district.
Course Area |
Recommended Class |
English |
Math |
Honors Algebra1, Honors Geometry |
Science |
Honors Biology |
Social Science |
*AP Human Geography is a weighted course that allows students the opportunity to obtain college credit upon achieving a passing grade on the AP exam taken in the spring. AP Human Geography investigates population trends, explores diverse cultural landscapes, and identifies spatial patterns across various scales. From bustling cities to rural areas, students embark on a journey of discovery as they examine people's diverse interactions with the environment.
Grades 10 -12
Students who score at the current benchmark for ‘meeting/exceeding’ on the PSAT/SAT shall have the option of accelerating into the next highest course available in that specific area. Students will be notified during the registration process that they have the score to accelerate into an Honors, Advanced Placement, or Dual Credit option.
Accelerated Placement Summer Bridge
Click HERE if you are interested in the Accelerate to Honors Summer Camp