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Community Service

Did you know your student must complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate from a District 204 high school?

An appropriate community service activity will benefit community members physically, mentally, or socially, and the student must not earn payment or credit for their service. The activity must be sponsored by a not-for-profit organization, such as a school, church, library, or community center. Service at a private home or business, such as babysitting, does not count as school-approved community service.

Students are responsible for selecting an appropriate service, contacting the responsible agency, completing the service and returning a verification form to their guidance counselor at school. The student's counselor will maintain a record of community service as part of the student's file.

Community Service Form 

Community Service List

Not sure where to volunteer? Consider joining a service club, such as Key Club or Student Council, or contact your guidance counselor. Also, make sure to check out the Community Bulletin Board on a regular basis. 

List of Local Community Organizations