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Regular attendance is essential for academic success. The state laws of Illinois are very specific concerning the matter of pupil attendance in public schools. It is assumed that students will always be in school except for cases of illness or serious family crisis. The following provisions have been made to govern attendance policy:

If a student is absent or tardy to school, the parent or guardian should telephone the dean’s office the same day stating the reason for the student’s absence or tardiness (24 hour voice mail is available). The attendance office telephone number is: 

                                                                 Central: 815-727-6801

Failure to contact the dean’s office by telephone on the day of non-attendance may result in an unexcused absence or tardy. The absence may also be considered truancy unless there is parental contact. In any case, parents are requested to call when they receive a truancy notice. At no time are students to leave the school campus while school is in session. No student may leave school before the regular day ends unless excused by the dean, scheduled for early release, or sent home by the health service. Any other early departures will be listed as truancy and will be treated as unexcused absences.

In order for an absence to be considered excused, the student’s parent/guardian must call the campus attendance telephone number to report the absence. Acceptable reasons for excused absences will include but may not be limited to:

  • Illness
  • Death in the immediate family
  • Family emergency
  • Pre-arranged family vacation
  • Pre-arranged college visits
  • Prom-related absence

    Unexcused absences/tardies will include, but may not be limited to:

  • Habitual car trouble
  • No transportation
  • Court/traffic ticket
  • Oversleeping
  • Truancy
  • No parent call on absence
  • Ditch days
  • Arriving tardy to the first period class without a proper pass