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Joliet Central Summer School Image
  • JCHS

Session 2 classes begin on Monday, June 27 and end on Thursday, July 21.  There is no summer school the week of July 4. 

Summer School Hours
Monday-Thursday from 8:00 AM- 1:00 PM 

If you normally qualify for bus transportation, it will be provided for summer school. The summer school bus schedule for Central is HERE.

Lunch is not provided. We encourage students to bring a snack and water.

Attendance and Completion
Students are allowed two absences (three late arrivals to class is equal to one absence). Students will need to complete work at home to finish the 3-week session, so they should plan accordingly.

Student Schedules
Individual student schedules are found on Infinite Campus. There will be assistance with schedules on the 1st day.

Student Devices
Student devices will be issued on the 1st day of summer school. If you have a student device, please bring it with you on the 1st day.

Summer School Contacts
Ms. Barb Campbell- Summer School Secretary      Mr. Steve Seper- Summer School Admin.

815-727-6747                                                                815-727-6747

  • Central