Congratulations to our Joliet Central & Joliet West students selected to perform as ILMEA All-State musicians. They will be performing in January 2025 in Peoria.
Joliet Central:
Brian Baron (11), Composition
Lauren Berrios (12), Soprano II, Honors Chorus
Maximiliano Saenz (12), Bass II, All-State Chorus
Joliet West:
Charlotte Dean (11), Soprano I, Honors Chorus
Cathryn Governale (9), Bassoon, Band
Gracie Mitchell (12), Alto I, All-State Chorus
Brian Baron's composition has been chosen to be performed at the ILMEA conference with Joliet Central musicians. "Not only was Brian Baron chosen to participate in the All-State Illinois Music Educators Conference in Peoria in January, but they also want to perform his piece,” said Peter Lipari, Director of JTHS Orchestras. “This is huge—with Joliet Central musicians!!! This is the first time in my career that a composition student has gone to state. This is big, really big."
In addition, the Concert Choir from Joliet West will be performing at one of the ILMEA concerts. The Concert Choir will perform at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, January 30th in the Four Points Sheraton Ballroom in Peoria.
Joliet Township High School is incredibly proud of these students' accomplishments and looks forward to celebrating their performances at the ILMEA All-State Conference!
- Central
- District
- West