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Physical Education

(Board Policy 6:310) 

A.    Enrollment in Physical Education or ROTC each semester in school except the semester of Health and the semester of Driver Education unless exempt under other Board policies.

B.    Students  may apply  for an approved exemption  from Physical Education if  they meet one of  the following requirements:

  1. Ongoing participation in a marching band program for credit;
  2. Enrollment in Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) program sponsored by the District;
  3. Ongoing participation in an interscholastic or extracurricular athletic program;
  4. Enrollment in academic classes that are required for admission to an institution of higher learning (student must be in the 11th or 12th grade); or
  5. Enrollment in academic classes that are required for graduation from high school, provided that failure to take such classes will result in the student being unable to graduate (student must be in the 11th or 12th grade).