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AP/Honors Summer Enrichment Camp

In order to prepare AP/Honors students for the rigorous coursework they will have next school year, we are offering a free online AP/Honors Summer Enrichment Camp.
The camps will take place via remote learning July 27 to July 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

AP/Honors Summer Enrichment Camp Purpose
The purpose of the AP/Honors Summer Enrichment Camp is to provide incoming freshmen with an introduction to AP and Honors coursework prior to the upcoming school year. The camps take place online via remote learning and provide students with basic skills related to the course while also providing students with an opportunity to meet classmates and teachers. 


  1. Increase support for all incoming freshman new to AP/Honors.
  2. Create excitement about entering high school.
  3. Increase confidence in entering the AP/Honors programs.
  4. Meet student needs related to technology.
  5. Meets the needs of students in skills that are discipline specific.
  6. Develop relationships between students and staff.
  7. Meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of incoming freshmen.

Enrollment & Schedule
Students can enroll in the cohort of their choice for the school they will attend in the fall (Central or West).  The cohorts contain the same classes but take place in differing orders. 

  • AP Human Geography (AP HUG) – District Offering
  • Honors Biology – District Offering
  • Honors English 1 – Campus Specific (Central or West)
  • Honors Mathematics (Honors Algebra 1 & Honors Geometry Combination – Campus Specific (Central or West) 

AP/Honors Summer Enrichment Camp Enrollment