2024-2025 Back to School Resources
This webpage serves as a resource hub for families and students. Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.
- Activity Bus
- Athletics
- Athletic Boosters
- Board of Education Meeting Dates
- Bus Routes & Expected Transportation Delays
- Campus Maps
- Campus Parent - Monitoring Grades, Attendance & More
- Clubs & Activities
- Communication
- Course Offerings, Scheduling Process, & Schedule Changes
- Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
- Early Release School Improvement Planning (SIP) Days
- Family Engagement Liaisons (Bilingual Spanish)
- Homecoming
- Immunization Requirements & School Exclusion (Oct. 15)
- Importance of Attendance
- Infant Childcare Center
- Items Prohibited from School
- Language Preference
- Mandated Notices
- McKinney-Vento Program
- Meal Application/Fee Waiver
- Media Permissions
- Mental Health Resources for Students
- Open House Dates
- Parent Teacher Conference Dates
- Report Bullying & School Violence
- Reporting Absences & Early Releases
- Request for Support
- Responsible Technology Use
- School Calendar
- School Closure & Emergency E-Learning Days
- School Day Schedule
- School Fees
- School Meals
- School Report Card
- School Safety
- Student Accident Insurance
- Student Handbook
- Student Parking
- Technology Support
- Yearbook Photos
Activity Bus
The activity bus route schedules are posted on the Transportation Website.
Activity Bus Regulations:
1. Activity buses are operated for Joliet Township High School students only. Students must be enrolled in a school-sponsored program or be a participant/spectator at a school-sponsored activity.
2. Students should report directly to the bus loading area at the conclusion of the program/activity and ride the first available bus.
3. Students must show the driver a Joliet Township High School ID to get on the bus. Students without an ID may ride the bus if the coach/sponsor/security person or school staff completes a referral and the student gives the referral to the driver. The driver will forward the referral to the dean.
4. Students more than 1.5 miles from school should be dropped within three blocks of their home. Students who reside within 1.5 miles of the school should be dropped within five blocks of their home.
5. Activity routes operate in designated attendance areas only. Drivers are not allowed to transport students from one school attendance area to another. Students must ride activity buses from their respective school (i.e. West students cannot ride a Central bus unless pre-approved by the Transportation Office).
Fall athletic offerings include Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Football, Boys Golf, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Girls Swimming, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Cheerleading and Poms/Dance. If you would like to get involved, please contact the coach.
Central Fall Coaches
West Fall Coaches
We welcome students, families, staff, and community to our athletic events! View the schedules below.
View Central Calendar
View West Calendar
Athletic Boosters
The JTHS Athletic Boosters invite parents to attend their meetings and to get involved.
All Booster Meetings are held at the Joliet Township High School Administrative Office, located at 300 Caterpillar Drive in Joliet. Meetings start at 6:00 pm. All are welcome.
View meeting dates & more information HERE.
Board of Education Meeting Dates
Agendas are posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting HERE. Board of Education meetings are live streamed HERE. The public may comment during the public comments section on any agenda item or topics related to the district; however, this is not an opportunity for conversation. Visitors must conduct themselves with respect and civility towards others. Individuals wishing to make public comments must sign up upon arrival before 6:50 p.m. on-site at the JTHS Administrative Center.
View 2024-2025 Board of Education meeting dates HERE.
Bus Routes & Expected Transportation Delays
Due to ongoing staffing shortages families may experience transportation delays if their student is a bus rider, particularly at the start of the school year and a new school semester. If families are able to provide transportation for students, that is advisable at this time. All student drivers and car riders are encouraged to allow for additional time at the beginning of the school day due to additional students being dropped off by parents. Students who arrive late to class due to JTHS transportation delays are not marked tardy. We appreciate your patience as we work to safely transport students to and from school.
The most current and up-to-date bus route schedules are posted on the Transportation Website.
Campus Maps
Campus Parent - Monitoring Grades, Attendance & More
Parents and guardians should regularly log on to their Campus Parent account to view student schedules, assignments, grades, attendance, and contact information for deans, school counselors, teachers and more. Campus Parent account information is HERE.
Clubs & Activities
Students are encouraged to join a club or activity. There is something for everyone! Students should email the club/activity sponsor to let them know they would like join. Students can join most clubs and activities at any time throughout the school year. It is never too late to get involved! Our sponsors warmly welcome you their groups.
View Central Club/Activity Offerings
View West Club/Activity Offerings
JTHS communicates in the following ways.
Phone messages are used to communicate high priority information and school closings.
Email and text messages are sent on a weekly basis from your campus principal or superintendent. To receive text messages, text “Yes” to 67587
Visit www.jths.org for important dates, staff contact information, program information, and more.
Course Offerings, Scheduling Process, & Schedule Changes
Specific information concerning course offerings can be obtained in the publication Course Offerings HERE.
Scheduling Process - Students will receive registration materials during the first semester so that parents will have the opportunity to discuss the career academy options and course selections with their students. Each student will meet with the counselor to complete scheduling Students and parents will be able to access course requests through JT Campus Student Portal.
Any questions regarding the course selections should be addressed to the counselor. All requests for schedule changes must be received by the designated deadline.
Schedule Change Requests - Because the registration process for the next school year begins early in the school year, ample time is allowed for careful planning by counselors, parents, and students. Parents will have an adequate amount of time to review the student’s schedule. Once student schedules are finalized by the deadline in the spring, students are permitted to make changes only when the changes fall within the established guidelines listed below:
1. A change due to summer school attendance.
2. A change due to failure in the prerequisite for the course a student has requested.
3. A change due to an unresolved scheduling conflict.
4. A change related to health problems. A written statement from the student’s physician is required.
5. A change made to correct a scheduling error made by the school staff.
Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
Central Drop Off And Pick Up Procedures
Central Student Drop Off & Pick Up Locations
Students can be dropped off and picked up from school at the following locations:
- Student Center Main Entrance
- Eastern Avenue (Enter through G Door)
- Clinton Avenue, Near the Boys and Girls Club, (Enter through G Door)
Walgreens/Subway Joliet Police Department Trespass Agreement
The businesses in the Walgreens/Subway Strip Mall have entered into a Trespass Agreement with the Joliet Police Department allowing them to affect an arrest of anyone not conducting legitimate business on their property. This includes drop off and pick up and loitering in the parking lots. As a reminder, Joliet Central is a closed campus, and students are not allowed to leave the school without permission. This includes leaving campus to visit restaurants or stores in the Walgreens/Subway strip mall. The school day includes the time in between dismissal and receiving transportation to and from school. When students are dismissed from school or waiting for the activity bus or a ride, they must stay on campus. Leaving campus will result in student discipline and potentially an arrest.
Student Parking Passes
Students wishing to park at Joliet Central must complete the Student Parking Application. Students park in the gravel lot adjacent to Casseday Avenue.
West Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
After conducting a traffic study and collaborating with an engineering firm, we're piloting a new traffic pattern to enhance safety in our parking lots and increase accessible parking for staff and students.
To learn more about these new procedures, view our brief Joliet West Drop Off & Pick Up Procedure Video.
Below are important reminders for safe driving as we implement these new procedures.
Drop-Off Safety: Do not drop students off on Glenwood Avenue while cars are stopped in the street. This practice not only violates traffic laws but also increases the risk of students being struck by a vehicle.
New Drop/Off & Pick Up Traffic Flow: Vehicles dropping off or picking up students should enter the lot on Glenwood Avenue closest to the tennis courts and then proceed to the last row of parked cars and turn left. From there, move into one of the two designated pick-up/drop-off lanes. Do not use the lane closest to the school as this lane is reserved for school buses. For safety reasons, it is important that all students exit the vehicle promptly and use the crosswalk to enter the school at Door 5.
Exiting the Lot: When exiting the lot for drop off and pick up, proceed to the end of the car lanes and merge into the turning lanes. When turning onto Glenwood Avenue, it is important that you use the left turn lane to turn left and the right lane to turn right.
Congestion Awareness: Remember that nearly 4,000 staff and students enter and exit the building and parking lot at drop-off and dismissal. This will inevitably cause congestion, so we ask for your patience and understanding.
Restricted Access: From 8 to 8:30 a.m. and 2:45 to 3:30 p.m., no vehicles will be allowed to enter the lot near the cafeteria or the main entrance at the corner of Larkin and Glenwood. This restriction helps ensure that buses can park and pick up students safely without interference from moving vehicles.
No Parking in the Lots of Surrounding Businesses
Students are not allowed to park in the lots of any businesses surrounding Joliet West High School. If a student drives to school but does not have a parking pass for one of the student lots, they may only park on the street if allowable according to the posted street signs. Students who park in the lots of the surrounding businesses, or in a school lot without a pass, risk being ticketed or towed. This includes pick-up and drop-off times.
Student Parking Passes in Gravel Lot Still Available
Students wishing to park at Joliet West must complete the Student Parking Application. The original application closed on July 26, 2024, and all paved lot passes have been issued for the 2024-2025 school year. Any student wishing to apply for a pass in the gravel lot for the 2024-2025 school year must complete the Student Parking Application. Students receiving a parking pass will then be called to the office and issued the parking tag.
Early Release School Improvement Planning (SIP) Days
Family Engagement Liaisons (Bilingual Spanish)
Our Family Engagement Liaisons speak English and Spanish and are dedicated to welcoming and supporting parents and guardians as they navigate their child's education. Parents and guardians are encouraged to reach out to our Family Engagement Liaisons for assistance with checking grades online, information regarding school resources, Spanish interpretation, and more. Our Family Engagement liaisons serve as a bridge between the school and home. We know that our schools are large and that we have many staff members. If you do not know who to contact for assistance, our liaisons will put you in contact with the appropriate staff member.
¡Hablo español!
¡Hablo español!
¡Hablo español!
¡Hablo español!
We are all looking forward to this year’s Homecoming Week. The week leading up to JTHS Powderpuff and Football games, and the Homecoming Dances will be filled with exciting themed dress-up days and much more. This page is regularly updated to give families the most up to date information.
- Homecoming Parade and Dance
- Saturday, October 19, 2024
- More information on ticket sales will be available soon!
- Powderpuff and Football Game Dates and Ticket Information
- More information will be available soon!
- Homecoming Parade and Dance
- Saturday, October 12, 2024
- More information on ticket sales will be available soon!
- Powderpuff and Football Game Dates and Ticket Information
- More information will be available soon!
Immunization Requirements & School Exclusion (Oct. 15)
Health Requirements for Freshmen Students
Incoming freshmen require documentation of a health examination with proof of immunizations using the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form within one year prior to entering ninth grade. The Health Examination Form with proof of immunizations is due prior to the first day of school.
If this document is not submitted by October 15th, students will be excluded from school. This exclusion shall begin immediately and shall remain in effect until the student is in compliance according to the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/27-8.1).
All incoming freshmen students are required to submit:
- Health examination with proof of immunizations prior to the first day of school. This health examination must be completed by a MD, DO, APN or PA using the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form. The parent/legal guardian must also complete the student's health history questionnaire, sign and date page 1 of the examination form. The form is deemed incomplete if this section is not filled out.
- Dental examination no later than May 15th of the student's freshman year. This dental examination must be completed by a licensed dentist using the State of Illinois Dental Examination Form.
How to Submit Proof of Physical/Immunizations
Central Campus
- Submit proof of the physical examination form with immunizations to Joliet Central's Main Entrance during regular school hours, Monday – Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- In months of June and July, the campus is open Monday – Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Forms can also be sent electronically by sending an email to acarroll@jths.org.
West Campus
- Submit proof of the physical examination form with immunizations to Joliet West's Main Entrance during regular school hours, Monday – Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- In months of June and July, the campus is open Monday – Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Forms can also be sent electronically by sending an email to mfuentes@jths.org.
Health Requirements for Senior Students
Incoming seniors require documentation of one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after their 16th birthday. Proof of immunizations is due prior to the first day of school. Additional information regarding this vaccine requirement can be found HERE.
If this document is not submitted by October 15th, students will be excluded from school. This exclusion shall begin immediately and shall remain in effect until the student is in compliance according to the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/27-8.1).
Acceptable documentation of meningococcal conjugate vaccination for senior students includes:
- Letter signed by your health care provider indicating the dates of vaccination OR
- Printout from your health care provider’s electronic medical record indicating the dates of vaccination OR
- Current State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination signed by your health care provider indicating the dates of vaccination.
How to Submit Proof of Physical/Immunizations
Central Campus
- Submit proof of the physical examination form with immunizations to Joliet Central's Main Entrance during regular school hours, Monday – Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- In months of June and July, the campus is open Monday – Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Forms can also be sent electronically by sending an email to acarroll@jths.org.
West Campus
- Submit proof of the physical examination form with immunizations to Joliet West's Main Entrance during regular school hours, Monday – Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- In months of June and July, the campus is open Monday – Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Forms can also be sent electronically by sending an email to mfuentes@jths.org.
Health Requirements for Transfer Students Coming from Another Illinois School
- Copy of the student's State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form with Immunizations from the student's former high school. The form must be submitted within 30 days after the student's first day of school. The parent must also complete the student's health history questionnaire, sign and date page 1 of the examination form. The form is deemed incomplete if this section is not filled out.
- State of Illinois Dental Examination Form if the student is transferring as a freshman.
Health Requirements for Transfer Students Coming from a School Out of State
OR Out of the Country AND Entering an Illinois School for the First Time:
- State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form with Immunization Records completed and signed by a medical provider. The form must be submitted within 30 days after the student's first day of school. The parent must also complete the student's health history questionnaire, sign and date page 1 of the examination form. The form is deemed incomplete if this section is not filled out.
- A State of Illinois Eye Examination Form is required for students entering an Illinois school for the first time. The form must be submitted within 30 days after the student's first day of school.
- A State of Illinois Dental Examination Form is required for students entering an Illinois school for the first time. The form must be submitted within 30 days after the student's first day of school.
How to Submit Proof of Physical/Immunizations
Central Campus
- Submit proof of the physical examination form with immunizations to Joliet Central's Main Entrance during regular school hours, Monday – Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- In months of June and July, the campus is open Monday – Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Forms can also be sent electronically by sending an email to acarroll@jths.org.
West Campus
- Submit proof of the physical examination form with immunizations to Joliet West's Main Entrance during regular school hours, Monday – Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- In months of June and July, the campus is open Monday – Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Forms can also be sent electronically by sending an email to mfuentes@jths.org.
Importance of Attendance
Pay Attention to Attendance: Keep your Student on Track in High School
Showing up for school is one of the biggest factors of a student’s academic success. Research indicates that students who miss even a few days of school each month are at a far greater risk of academic failure and dropping out than students who attend regularly. Academic performance suffers whether these absences are excused or unexcused.
Attendance Matters!
A Calendar Year Has 365 Days
A School Year Has 176 Days
This Leaves 189 Days for Family Time, Vacations, Medical Appointments, Etc.
Most of the work that is missed when absent is never made up.
Students who enroll in summer school to recover credit have missed an average of 39 school days in a semester.
Students who attend school regularly (one day or less a month) are more likely to graduate and find good jobs.
Students who miss less than 5 days a semester earn average to above average grades.
Students who earn at least one “F” in a class missed an average of 7.4 days in a semester.
A high school graduate makes $1 million more than a dropout over a lifetime.
Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day and make that the expectation.
Show your student that attendance matters by not allowing them to miss days unless truly sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety.
Avoid planning family vacations/trips during the school year. Take advantage of school breaks.
Try not to schedule medical or dental appointments during the school day.
Help your student maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
Find out if your student feels engaged by his/her classes and feels safe from bullies and other threats. Make sure he/she is not missing class because of behavioral issues.
Stay on top of academic progress by checking the Parent Portal on a regular basis. Seek help from teachers or tutors if necessary.
Stay on top of your student’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
Encourage meaningful afterschool activities, including sports and clubs.
Regular attendance is defined as students missing fewer than 5% of school days per year. The chart below helps you track your student’s absences. If your student is at risk of missing too much school, complete the Request for Support form.
0 – 9 Days Absent |
10-17 Days Absent |
18+ Days Absent |
Very Good |
Worrying |
Serious Concern |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
Danger! |
Your child is a |
Complete the Request for Help form if you need help getting your student to attend school or if you have concerns about your student’s mental health, addiction, academic difficulties, poor relations with peers or adults, health, or environmental issues. Completion of this form initiates a request and a team of school support personnel review the situation to assign appropriate supports. Use the QR below or visit bit.ly/JTRequest4Support
Attendance Office Info & Procedures
If a student is absent or tardy to school, the parent or guardian must telephone the dean’s office the same day stating the reason for the student’s absence or tardiness (24-hour voice mail is available).
Failure to contact the dean’s office by telephone on the day of non-attendance may result in an unexcused absence or tardy. The absence may also be considered truancy unless there is parental contact.
At no time are students to leave the school campus while school is in session. No student may leave school before the regular day ends unless excused by the dean, scheduled for early release, or sent home by the health service. Any other early departures will be listed as truancy and will be treated as unexcused absences.
Central/AVAC/Transition Center Attendance Office
(815) 727-6801
West Attendance Office
(815) 727-6900
Pathways Attendance Office
(815) 727-6810
Infant Childcare Center
The mission of the JTHS infant Childcare Center is to engage, support and maintain attendance of young parents during high school completion, strengthen their parenting skills and knowledge of resources, support the healthy development and exploration of young children in a safe environment and be a passionate model of best practices in the early childhood community. More information is HERE.
Items Prohibited from School
This is a reminder that there are items that are not allowed on school property because they are considered a weapon per Board Policy 7:190. If a student brings one of these items on school property or to a school-sponsored function, regardless of whether the student intends to use the item or not, he/she can face an expulsion recommendation and the involvement of the Joliet Police Department. Items include, but are not limited, to the following:
Airsoft/Pellet Gun
Gel/Water Gun
Gel/Orbeez Gun
BB Gun
Brass Knuckles
Pocket Knife
Box Cutter
Bringing items to school property that look like a gun or weapon can lead to an expulsion recommendation and involvement of the Joliet Police Department as well. Realistic lookalike weapons can cause panic and disruption in the school and can be used as a method of intimidation, even if the item is not real.
Additionally, Gel Guns, such as Orbeez Guns, are also prohibited. We are aware of an associated social media challenge that encourages students to shoot the gel/water pellets at people. There are instances of students bringing these Gel Guns to school with the intent to use them after school. These items can and do cause harm, especially when individuals are hit in the face and eyes. These Gel Guns are not allowed on school property.
Parents, please talk to your students about the importance of not bringing these items, or any item that could cause harm to another, on school property or to school-sponsored events. Even if a student unintentionally brings the item to school property or if they do not intend on using the item to harm another, the student will face expulsion recommendation and involvement of the Joliet Police Department. A more extensive list of items prohibited on school grounds can be viewed HERE.
Language Preference
At JTHS, we communicate to our families in English and in Spanish. If you need to change your language preference from English to Spanish, or from Spanish to English, please contact the individual below for the campus in which your student attends.
Ms. Maria Arana
(815) 727- 6741
Ms. Ronda Orasco
(815) 774-1644
Mandated Notices
JTHS communicates Board of Education policies and mandated communication. Use the link below to view.
Mandated Notices and Board of Education Policies
McKinney-Vento Program
The McKinney-Vento Program (MVP) assists children and youth in transition lacking a fixed, adequate, or regular housing situation. If a student and his or her family are currently residing in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, streets, abandoned building, or doubled-up with family or friends due to hardship, he or she may qualify for program assistance. More information is HERE.
Meal Application/Fee Waiver
Families that are not directly certified for free meals/fee waiver through an eligible program (SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Foster Child, Migrant) can complete the online application to see if their child qualifies for free/reduced meals and the student fee waiver. Students must qualify each school year for free/reduced meals and the fee waiver.
Submit your online application HERE.
Media Permissions
As part of the Joliet Township High School community relations and recognition programs, the District periodically releases information to the public about our students, their classwork, and/or accomplishments. To highlight student success, your child’s name, picture, video, classwork, and/or information pertaining to their accomplishment may appear in various District and non-District publications, which includes but is not limited to, newspapers, web pages, social media, print and electronic communication.
Any media permission approved by the school will be positive, focusing primarily on student successes. If you DO NOT wish to have your child’s information shared or spotlighted in any of the local, school, or District and/or non-District media coverage, please complete the Refusal of Permission for Media Participation Form HERE.
If there are any extenuating circumstances you feel the school should be made aware of, please contact the school principal to further discuss your concerns.
Mental Health Resources for Students
If a student needs social/emotional support, we urge the parent/guardian or student to reach out to their School Counselor or complete the request for support HERE. Completion of this form initiates a request, and a team of school support personnel will review the situation to assign appropriate supports. Please be as specific as possible when completing the form. Please note that this form is not active until the first day of school.
Parents, guardians, and students can access our community resource hub HERE which provides helpful information for dealing with situations such as grief and loss, suicide prevention, mental health, addiction, and more.
Additional Resources
Dial 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Text HOME to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line
Contact Safe2Help Illinois: Dial 844-4-SAFEIL, Text SAFE2 (72332), email HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
Open House Dates
Central and West Open Houses are August 28, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. This is an opportunity for students and families to meet teachers and staff and learn about the programs and opportunities available. Students are dismissed at 1:15 p.m. The early release schedule is listed below.
Who’s Invited: Parents/Guardians, Families, Students
Date: August 28, 2024
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Location: Joliet Central and Joliet West
Parent Teacher Conference Dates
2024-2025 Parent Teacher Conference dates are as follows:
Semester 1 Dates
October 24, 2024 from 4 to 7 p.m. Students are dismissed at 1:15 p.m.
October 25, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No classes for students.
Semester 2 Dates
March 6, 2025 from 4 to 7 p.m. Students are dismissed at 1:15 p.m.
March 7, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No classes for students.
***All conferences take place virtually***
Report Bullying & School Violence
School bullying of any kind is unacceptable. We should all be on the lookout for bullying. Parents, students, staff, and community members can report bullying through the Bullying Report Form. This form can be submitted anonymously online, or in person at Central in room 280-0, at West in room B-129, and in the Main Office of the Pathways Campus and Transition Center.
Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying and School Violence - English
Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying and School Violence - Spanish
Reporting Absences & Early Releases
Reporting Absences
Regular attendance is essential for academic success. The state laws of Illinois are very specific concerning the matter of pupil attendance in public schools. It is assumed that students will always be in school except for cases of illness or serious family crisis.
If a student is absent or tardy to school, the parent or guardian must telephone the dean’s office the same day stating the reason for the student’s absence or tardiness (24-hour voice mail is available).
Central/AVAC/Transition Center Attendance Office
(815) 727-6801
West Attendance Office
(815) 727-6900
Pathways Attendance Office
(815) 727-6810
Failure to contact the dean’s office by telephone on the day of non-attendance may result in an unexcused absence or tardy. The absence may also be considered truancy unless there is parental contact. In any case, parents are requested to call when they receive a truancy notice. At no time are students to leave the school campus while school is in session. No student may leave school before the regular day ends unless excused by the dean, scheduled for early release, or sent home by the health service. Any other early departures will be listed as truancy and will be treated as unexcused absences.
Early Release
Students are not permitted to leave the building during the school day without permission. There are rare occasions when students must leave during the school day. When such a time arises, parents must call the attendance office with the date, time, and reason for early dismissal. Students will receive a “permit to leave” the building for the designated time. Please note due to the volume of calls and availability of staff, requests for permission to leave campus should be made at least two days in advance.
Central/AVAC/Transition Center Attendance Office
(815) 727-6801
West Attendance Office
(815) 727-6900
Pathways Attendance Office
(815) 727-6810
Request for Support
If you have concerns about a JTHS student, or if you are a student in need of help or support, please fill out the Request for Support Form for the appropriate campus. Completion of this form initiates a request and a team of school support personnel will review the situation to assign appropriate supports.
Concerns may be related to issues that include, but are not limited to, the following: mental health, poor attendance, addiction, academic difficulties, poor relations with peers or adults, health, and environmental issues. Please be as specific as possible when completing the form and know that you can reach out to the PPS Coordinators for direct and immediate assistance. Please note that the form is not active until the first day of the school year.
Request for Support Form
Responsible Technology Use
Inappropriate electronic communication and technology usage can lead to disciplinary action if electronic conduct is harmful or disruptive toward our school, students or staff, or if it indicates that a student is in violation of School Board Policy. JTHS incorporates lessons on internet safety and responsible electronic usage into our curriculum. In addition, we encourage parents and guardians to talk to their student about the consequences of inappropriate electronic communication and technology usage by monitoring their child’s use of all electronic devices and applications, including his or her computer, cell phone and social media use. Please discuss electronic safety at home with your student.
Students and parents should report inappropriate communication that is used to bully, harass, and intimidate or compromises the safety of our school community. Concerns can be reported to the student’s dean or any member of the JTHS staff. Students and parents can also anonymously report inappropriate electronic communication or instances of bullying and security/safety issues to the School Violence Tip Line at 1-800-477-0024 or online HERE.
If you need assistance speaking with your child about the topic of responsible technology use, contact your student’s guidance counselor.
School Calendar
School Closure & Emergency E-Learning Days
JTHS has approval from the Illinois State Board of Education to use Emergency E-Learning Days for unscheduled school closures. On Emergency E-Learning Days, students do not report to the school building and assignments are completed online. More information about our Emergency E-Learning Day procedures, including instructions for students, is HERE.
School Closure Announcements
JTHS will announce the Emergency E-Learning Day or school closures by 5 a.m. the morning of the closure through email, text message, phone call, social media and the Emergency Closing Center.
School Day Schedule
School Fees
The $160 Instructional Material and Supply Fee, which covers the cost of items such as laptop computers and textbooks, must be paid online through the MySchoolBucks system. All school fees must be paid for students to attend dances.
View 2024-2025 Fee & Refund Schedule English
View 2024-2025 Fee & Refund Schedule Spanish
How to Use MySchoolBucks
Go to www.myschoolbucks.com or download the mobile app MSB Parent, USA (IOS or Android)
If you have not already done so, create your free parent/guardian account and add your student(s) using their school name/student ID.
Add school items or invoices to your cart
Check out using your credit/debit card or electronic check
If you have questions, contact the Textbook Center.
Central Textbook Center
(815) 727-6811
West Textbook Center
(815) 727-6993
School Meals
JTHS participates in the National School Lunch Program and is monitored by the Illinois State Board of Education and the Will County Health Department. Students pay $3.10 for a full lunch meal and $2.00 for a full breakfast. Students that qualify for reduced price meals through the Free and Reduced Meal application process pay $.40 for a full lunch and $.30 for a full breakfast. Directly certified students (SNAP, TANF, FOSTER, MEDICAID) or students that meet the criteria for free meals through the meal application process receive a full lunch and breakfast at no cost. Cafeteria menus are posted weekly on the websites listed below.
Central Cafeteria Website
West Cafeteria Website
MySchoolBucks – Cashless Cafeteria
Cash is not accepted in the cafeteria. Parents and students must create a pre-paid account through the MySchoolBucks web site. By prepaying, parents can assure lunch money is being used for school meals, reduce worries about forgetting or losing money, limit the amount used each day and specify if additional food can be purchased.
How to Use MySchoolBucks
Go to www.myschoolbucks.com or download the mobile app MSB Parent, USA (IOS or Android)
If you have not already done so, create your free parent/guardian account and add your student(s) using their school name/student ID.
Add school items or invoices to your cart
Check out using your credit/debit card or electronic check
If you have questions, contact the Textbook Center.
Central Textbook Center
(815) 727-6811
West Textbook Center
(815) 727-6993
School Report Card
Click on the link below to view the Illinois School Report Card.
View Report Card
School Safety
Student safety is Joliet Township High School’s top priority. We encourage parents and students to join us in fostering a safe and supportive learning environment by reporting any concerns to school officials or anonymously through the School Violence Tip Line at 1-800-477-0024. In addition, important information pertaining to school safety can be found below.
Offender Community Notification Laws
Las leyes de notificación de delicuentes en la comunidad
Letter to Parents Regarding Student Safety
Carta a los padres respecto a la seguridad del estudiante
Underage Drinking Letter
Carta sobre el consumo de alcohol entre menores
School Visitation Rights
Los derechos de visita a la escuela
Teen Dating Violence
La violencia entre novios adolescentes
Notification Regarding Student Accounts or Profiles on Social Media Networking Websites
Notificación sobre cuentas o perfiles de estudiantes en sitios web de redes sociales
Student Accident Insurance
Insurance plans are available to help meet the cost of medical and hospital charges if an accident occurs. View plans HERE.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook contains important information about school policies, curriculum, discipline, directory information, attendance, and more.
View Student Handbook (English)
View Student Handbook (Spanish)
Student Parking
Students wishing to park at Joliet Central or West must complete an application and pay the $100 parking fee. More information, including the student parking application, is in the link below. You must use your student email when completing the application as the application form will not accept outside email accounts
Central Student Parking Information & Application
West Student Parking Information & Application
Technology Support
At JTHS, all students receive their own netbook computer to use on a 24/7 basis. For support using this technology, JTHS students can visit the Student Help Desk located on campus. Help Desk hours are 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during regularly scheduled school days.
After-hour technology phone support is available by calling (815) 727-6860. More information is HERE.
Yearbook Photos
Yearbook pictures are free, and proofs are emailed within 2-3 weeks by VIP with an option to purchase. Dates and times are listed below by campus.
View Central Yearbook Photo Dates & Information
View West Yearbook Photo Dates & Information