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Pre-Certification Info for Hybrid Students

On days when students attend school in-person, a parent/guardian must complete a pre-certification survey using CrisisGo. 

There are two ways you can pre-certify your student.  Email is the easiest option. 

Pre-Certifying Through Email

  1. At 5 a.m. the morning your student attends school in person, you receive an email from CrisisGo for each student in your household.  Complete pre-certification for each student by clicking the blue report button in the email and answering the questions.  If you need the survey in Spanish, click on the espanol link at the bottom of the email. 

Why this is the easiest option: You do not need to set up an account. Just click on the report button and answer the questions.  You do not need to do anything else. 

If you are not getting the pre-certification email, contact technology support at or call (815) 727-6860.  Check your junk or SPAM folder first. 

Pre-Certifying Through the App 

  1. The advantage to pre-certifying through the app is that you can complete the process as early as 3 a.m. 
  2. Parents must use the email on file with the school to set up their account.   

School Entry & Scanning the Student ID
After completing the survey, a bar code appears on your screen.  This is called a Safety iPass.  When students arrive at school, we scan their ID card to view the iPass so we know they are pre-certified and can enter the building.  IDs are issued to students the first week back to school.  We have a plan in place to view the iPass without the ID card if it is forgotten at home or was not issued to the student yet. 

Safety iPass Barcode Colors  
Your student can only enter the school if the iPass color is GREEN.   Based on the answers to the pre-certification questions, a barcode appears in one of four colors: Green means the student can enter the building. Red means the student cannot enter the school and the school calls you for more information.  Yellow means the student cannot enter the school because he/she is in quarantine.  Gray means the parent or guardian did not complete pre-certification.  Your student can learn at home remotely if the iPass is not green.  For more information about the Safety iPass, view this short video

What if I Don’t get the Email the Morning My Student Needs to Attend School? 
Please do not worry.  We will make it work.  Call the school.  As long as your student is symptom free and does not have a temperature, send him/her to school.  We will take care of it. 

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