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Parent Teacher Conference Registration Information - Semester 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,    
Semester 2 Parent Teacher Conferences take place virtually on Thursday, March 7 from 4 to 7 p.m. and Friday, March 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  This is an opportunity to speak with teachers about grades, attendance, support services, and concerns you have.  Students should attend the conferences with their parents/guardians if possible.                 
Registration for Parent Teacher Conferences opens on February 16 at 4 p.m. We encourage families to log on to PowerPTC and register as soon as possible to secure the times and dates that are most convenient for your schedule. Registration closes on March 1 at noon.

Logging into PowerPTC 
Log on to Power PTC HERE.  

First time users: Please use the email address on file with your student’s campus. The password is Jths204. The website will then prompt you to choose a new password.  

Returning users: Please use the email address on file with your student’s campus. If your password was not saved automatically from Semester 1 conferences and you have forgotten it, use the “Forgot Password” option. Follow the screen prompts to reset your password to gain access to your account. 

More information about Power PTC and step-by-step video instructions are HERE. If you are having difficulties logging on or scheduling conferences, complete the Assistance Request Form found on our webpage.  

Requesting an Interpreter  
JTHS can provide a Spanish-speaking interpreter to assist with communication between parents and teachers. When scheduling conferences through PowerPTC, you must request interpretation for each appointment. If you need an interpreter in a language other than Spanish, or if you need help requesting an interpreter, contact Marcela Flores at 815-727-6904 or send an email to  

March 7 and 8 Schedule for Students
To allow time for Parent Teacher Conferences, students are dismissed from school at 1:15 p.m. on March 7 and there are no classes for students on March 8. The early release schedule for 

March 7 is listed below.

  • Central
  • District
  • West