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New Tardy Procedures

Dear Parents and Students,
On-time attendance to all class periods is important to student success. To address the number of tardies we are experiencing, JTHS has established new tardy procedures with clear and universal expectations. Teachers and staff will implement the new procedures on Monday. We ask that parents review the information below and reinforce the importance of arriving to class on time.
Tardy Communication
Starting Monday, parents will receive an automated phone call if their student is marked Tardy Unexcused for two or more class periods. Parents can view tardies and absences in Infinite Campus by clicking on the “Attendance” drop down menu. Tardies are coded Excused or Unexcused depending on the situation.
Tardy Excused vs. Tardy Unexcused

A student is considered Tardy Excused if they arrive to class with a pass issued by a teacher or staff member that states the student is excused. All other late arrivals are marked Tardy Unexcused.
Unauthorized Presence – Arriving to Class Five Minutes or Later
If a student arrives to class five minutes or more after the bell rings, this is considered “Unauthorized Presence” and the student receives a referral to the Dean. The Dean will talk with the student to identify supports or interventions.
Tardy Patterns
If there is a pattern of late arrivals from a student, we will use intervention tools such as calling the parent, talking with the student to identify the cause of the tardies, asking the student to complete a self-reflection form, and leveraging student support services.
Hall Sweeps
Staff will monitor the halls, including unstructured gathering spaces. Hall sweeps begin after the bell rings. Students identified in hall sweeps speak with staff to examine the root cause of the tardy. The conversations lead to solutions that prevent future late arrivals. 
We believe that with these new tardy procedures, students will experience success and meet our expectations. Thank you for your support and partnership.

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