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JTHS Families, 
School is not in session for JTHS students from March 25 to April 1 due to the Spring Break holiday.  Classes resume on Tuesday, April 2, with a full day of school.  We wish our students and families a restful Spring Break!   
Street Crossing Safety Reminder 

For safety reasons, it is very important that students, staff, families, and visitors to our schools always cross the street at the designated crosswalks.  The roads surrounding our schools are very busy, especially at arrival and dismissal.  Not crossing the street at the crosswalk is very dangerous.  The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is always our top priority. 
Carl C. Bell, MD Memorial Award Essay Competition  

The Illinois Psychiatric Society is hosting the second annual Carl C. Bell, MD Memorial Award Essay Competition.  The Essay Contest is open to all high school students in Illinois. Submissions are due on June 1, 2024.  The award recipient will receive a $500 cash prize. Second and third-place award recipients will receive a $250 cash prize.  This year’s essay topic is: How has social media impacted your mental health and/or the mental health of your social networks, family, schools, and/or communities? For more information, visit the Carl C. Bell Memorial Award Webpage
Hands of Hope Easter Free Food Giveaway – March 23 
Hands of Hope is hosting an Easter Free Food Giveaway this Saturday, March 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the back parking lot of the Joliet Hope Center, 511 Oakleaf Ct, Joliet.  View the Easter Giveaway Flyer (English) and Easter Giveaway Flyer (Spanish) for more information. 
YMCA Teen Achievers Spring Break College Tours – March 25-28 
The YMCA’s Teen Achievers program is organizing four one-day college tours this spring (March 25-28) to premier institutions of higher learning in Illinois and Indiana. All college tours will depart from the Galowich Family YMCA, located at 749 Houbolt Road in Joliet. The cost is $30 per tour. Registration and payment must be received by today, Friday, March 22.  For more information, including the QR to register, view the YMCA Teen Achievers Spring College Tours Flyer.   
Illinois 5Essentials Survey--We need your feedback by March 29 
We invite parents and guardians to share their feedback regarding school climate and learning conditions by taking the Illinois 5essentials survey HERE. The survey closes on March 29. 
Graduation Timeline & Information for JTHS Seniors 
Joliet Central and West are hosting two graduation ceremonies at each campus for the Class of 2024. On April 15, students will receive a link allowing them to select their in-person graduation session: Saturday, May 18 at 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. The event sign-up closes on April 22. Only students will be able to sign up for the event using their JTHS emails.  Click on the links below for the graduation timelines and information. 
Central Graduation Timeline & Information 
West Graduation Timeline & Information 
Mandatory State Testing – April 10 & 11 
Due to mandatory state testing, students follow a special schedule on Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday, April 11.  The school-day schedules and tests vary according to grade level.  View the Mandatory State Testing Announcement for details. 
Athletic Booster Meeting – April 10  

Parents and community members who want to support our athletic programs are invited to attend the next Athletic Boosters Meeting at the JTHS Administrative Center on April 10 at 6 p.m.  The Boosters raise funds to supplement the athletic budgets, provide scholarships, and promote Steelmen and Tiger Pride.  
JTHS Board of Education Meeting – April 16  

The next Board of Education meeting is 7 p.m. on April 16 at the Administrative Center.  Agendas are posted at least 48 hours before the meeting.  Meetings are live-streamed. Individuals wishing to make public comments must sign up upon arrival before 6:50 p.m.  
Joliet Region Education Community Connectors Meeting (JRECC) – April 19 

Members of community and faith-based organizations are invited to attend our next Joliet Region Education Community Connectors (JRECC) Meeting on April 19 at the JTHS Administrative Center. Breakfast is available at 7:30 a.m. and the meeting will conclude no later than 10 a.m.  Spanish interpretation is available.  Attendees will hear an informative presentation from Guardian Angel Community Services.  Complete the JRECC Meeting RSVP Form if you will attend.  
Early Release SIP Day – April 25 
April 25 is a School Improvement Day and early release for students.  Students will follow the A Schedule.  Central, West, and Pathway students are dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m. AVAC students are dismissed at 11:30 a.m., and Transition Center students are dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Click on the links below to view the attendance calendar.  
2023-2024 JTHS Calendar in English 
2023-2024 JTHS Calendar in Spanish 

  • Central
  • District
  • West