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Families & Students, 
It was great seeing so many of you at Open House! As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, September 2, due to the Labor Day holiday.  Important information and reminders are below. 
ParentSquare Communication  
JTHS is transitioning its mass communication delivery to the ParentSquare platform, which is the system we are sending this communication from today.  Communication will continue to be sent via email, text, website, socials, and by phone for instances of high priority.  We are making you aware of this transition because the design and look of our communication will appear different.     
School Safety Awareness Week - Reminders  
As we bring School Safety Week to a close, we are sharing the reminders below. Families can reinforce school safety by reviewing our Student Handbook. 
Closed Campus   

JTHS school buildings are closed campuses, which means that students are not allowed to leave the school buildings during the day without permission.   The school day includes the time in between dismissal and receiving transportation to and from school.  When students are dismissed from school or waiting for the activity bus or a ride, they must stay on campus.  Leaving campus can result in student discipline.  
Permission to Leave Campus  
There are rare occasions when students must leave during the school day.  When such a time arises, parents/guardians must call the Central Attendance Office or West Attendance Office with the date, time, and reason for early dismissal. Students will receive a permit to leave the building at the designated time. Please note that due to the volume of calls and availability of staff, requests for permission to leave campus should be made at least two days in advance. Failure to provide advanced notice will delay our ability to issue your student a permit to leave the building.  
Dropping Off Items to Students During the School Day  

To secure a safe and secure learning environment, we are unable to accept drop-offs (lunch, homework, etc.) at the security booth during the day.  Deliveries are a disruption to the learning environment.  In the event your student forgets:  

  • Lunch – See a café worker for assistance in securing a lunch from the cafeteria.  Families may load money onto their student's My School Bucks Account.  

  • Physical Education Uniform – Students may rent a PE Uniform by scanning their student ID. There is no rental charge.  

  • Computer – Students may seek assistance from the teacher for alternative ways to access assignments.  

In the event of an absolute emergency, such as forgotten house keys or medication, contact the Dean’s Office to make delivery arrangements. 
Parking & Student Arrival/Dismissal  
We ask that students pay attention to their surroundings as they enter and exit the buildings at arrival and dismissal. In addition, students should not park in the parking lots of businesses surrounding the school, and parents/guardians should not wait in these parking lots to pick up students. This is not public property, and businesses have the right to tow unauthorized vehicles.  
Consequences of Vaping  
We are concerned about the health of our students.  Vaping is not allowed in our schools.  Any student caught vaping or to be in possession of a vape while on school grounds or during a school-sanctioned activity/event, will face disciplinary action following our policies and procedures.  We ask families to talk to their students about the dangers of vaping.  Vaping is dangerous, especially for young adults.  According to the CDC, immediate health effects include coughing and wheezing, behavioral and mood changes, headaches, seizures, vomiting, and potential severe lung injury. Vaping also negatively affects teens’ attention, learning, and impulse control in a way that can affect them in school, sports, and social situations. The Partnership to End Drug Addiction has an excellent resource: Vaping – What Families Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens, & Young Adults.  We recommend reading this resource for information and tips for talking to your student about this important issue.   
Items Prohibited in School   
There are items that are not allowed on school property because they are considered a weapon.  If a student brings one of these items on school property or to a school-sponsored function, regardless of whether the student intends to use the item or not, he/she can face an expulsion recommendation and the involvement of the Joliet Police Department.  We have seen instances of students bringing box cutters to school because they use them at work.  Please do not bring any of the items listed below to school.  These items include, but are not limited to, the following: Mace, Pepper Spray, Box Cutter, Pocketknife, Any Lookalike Gun/Weapon, Airsoft/Pellet Gun, Gel/Water Gun, Gel/Orbeez Gun, BB Gun, Gun/Rifle, Brass Knuckles, Kubaton, Taser.   A more extensive list of items prohibited on school grounds and the associated school board policy is HERE.   
Hats, Hoods & Head Coverings  
Hats, hoods, or head coverings of any kind cannot be worn during school hours unless you have a medical or religious exemption.  

Health Documentation Deadline – October 15  
As a reminder, the deadline to submit health documentation required by the Illinois School Code is October 15. This documentation is required for students to continue attending school.   
Freshmen & Transfer Students: must submit the completed State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form (English) or State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form (Spanish).  The form is a two-sided document and both sides must be completed.  The student’s 'health history' must be completed by the parent/guardian and MUST BE SIGNED and dated. The physical is considered incomplete without this section.  Please make certain that your student’s healthcare provider has documented the height, weight, blood pressure, and BMI on the form and has completed the diabetes screening.  Seniors: must submit proof of receiving a meningitis shot on or after their 16th birthday.  Information on ways to submit your documents is listed below.  Visit our Community Support Resources Page and scroll to the “Community-Based Clinics Offering Immunizations and Physicals” tab for a list of community-based clinics.  

Central, Transition & Pathways Campuses 


Central Archives Committee Meeting – September 19  
Are you passionate about JTHS history and the preservation of historical items?  Do you want to help give school tours?  If so, the Central Archives Committee is for you!!!  Students, families, alumni, and staff are welcome!  The first meeting is at 7 p.m. on September 19 at Central in the third-floor archives area.  Enter the school through the Student Center Main Entrance.  Students receive community service for attending.  Bring the Community Service Form and have it signed.  If you have questions, contact Ms. Petronio at   

CED Internship Recruitment Breakfast – September 5 
Are you interested in becoming an internship provider?  Will County businesses interested in learning more about the CED internship program are invited to attend the CED Summer Internship Informational Breakfast on September 5 at the JTHS Administrative Center, 300 Caterpillar Drive in Joliet.  Breakfast is available at 7:30 a.m. with the program following from 8 to 9 a.m.  To register for our breakfast and to learn more about the CED Internship Program, visit the CED Will County Summer Internship Program Webpage
Athletic Booster Meeting – September 11  

Do you want to volunteer to help our athletic programs?  Then join the JT Boosters!  The next meeting is at 6 p.m. on September 11 at the Administrative Center, 300 Caterpillar Drive in Joliet.  We welcome all families!  The JT Boosters raise funds to supplement the athletic budgets, provide scholarships, and promote Steelmen and Tiger Pride.  Fundraisers include a golf outing and a Night of Champions event.  No RSVP is required to attend.  If you would like to learn more about the Boosters, complete the Booster Volunteer & Info Sign-Up Form.  
Joliet Region Community Connectors Meeting – September 13  
Members of community and faith-based organizations are invited to attend our Joliet Region Education Community Connectors (JRECC) Meeting on September 13 at the JTHS Administrative Center.  Breakfast is available at 7:30 a.m. and the meeting will conclude no later than 10 a.m.  Spanish interpretation is available.  Complete the JRECC Meeting RSVP Form if you will attend.    
Grandparents Raising Children Support Group – September 17  
The first Grandparents Raising Children support group meeting is September 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the JTHS Administrative Center.  The group provides fellowship and assistance to grandparents and non-custodial caregivers on navigating the educational and public service aid systems.  For more information, view the Grandparents Raising Children Flyer.   

Central Newcomer Family Informational Night – September 4   
We invite Central Spanish-speaking students and their families new to the United States to a Newcomer Family Informational Night on September 4 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Joliet Central Student Center. We will give families an opportunity to tour our facilities and learn more about JT, community resources, and so much more. We will offer free childcare for children ages 4-12 and light refreshments. The event will be held in Spanish. Complete the Registration Form if you plan to attend.   

Athletic Booster Golf Outing – September 8 
We invite you to join the JTHS Athletic Boosters on Sunday, September 8 for their 18th Annual Golf Outing at Inwood Golf Course. All proceeds benefit the JTHS Booster mission of supplementing the athletic budgets, providing scholarships, and promoting Steelmen and Tiger school pride. View the Booster Golf Outing Flyer for more information. 

Early Release School Improvement Day – September 12  
September 12, 2024, is a School Improvement Day and early release for students.  Students will follow the A Schedule.  Central, West, and Pathway students are dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m. AVAC students are dismissed at 11:30 a.m., and Transition Center students are dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Click on the links below to view the attendance calendar.   
2024-2025 Attendance Calendar (English)   
2024-2025 Attendance Calendar (Spanish)  

JTHS Board of Education Meeting – September 17  
The JTHS Board of Education invites families and the community to their next regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on September 17 at the JTHS Administrative Center. Agendas are posted at least 48 hours prior to the meetings.  If you cannot attend in person, meetings are accessible via live stream.  Individuals wishing to make public comments must sign up upon arrival before 6:50 p.m.  
TRIO Back-to-School College, Trade & Resource Fair – September 18 

We invite you to attend the Back-to-School College, Trade, & Resource Fair on September 18 from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Joliet Central Cafeteria.  Hosted by TRIO, the event will provide a wealth of resources and information for college and career readiness.  Students should bring a copy of their transcripts as some colleges will admit students on the spot with scholarship offers. 
West Opera Scenes – September 19
Opera Scenes are returning in 2024 on September 19 at 7 p.m. in the West Auditorium! Traditionally, this performance features short cuts from various operas, but in 2024, this evening will feature scenes from a quartet of 10-minute musicals.  Admission is free but donations are welcome.  The performances are appropriate for all ages.  

  • Central
  • District
  • West