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Food Services

The district participates in the National School Lunch Program and is monitored by the Illinois State Board of Education and the Will County Health Department. Students pay $3.10 for a full lunch meal and $2.00 for a full breakfast. Students that qualify for reduced price meals through the Free and Reduced Meal application process pay $.40 for a full lunch and $.30 for a full breakfast.  Directly certified students (SNAP, TANF, FOSTER, MEDICAID) or students that meet the criteria for free meals through the meal application process receive a full lunch and breakfast at no cost. 

Parents and students must create a pre-paid account through MySchoolBucks. By prepaying, parents can assure lunch money is being used for school meals, reduce worries about forgetting or losing money, limit the amount used each day and specify if additional food can be purchased. Cash is not accepted in the cafeteria. Students must use the MySchoolBucks system. Refunds will be issued based on the refund policy. Menus change on a daily basis, although some items are available each day.

Brian Shaw

Director Of Support Services
Transportation Center