District Donor Scholarships
District scholarship donors review application materials and select scholarship recipients. Please review the criteria for each scholarship and apply to as many as you wish, based on the criteria. Scholarship recipients will be awarded on Senior Awards Night.
All scholarship applications are due by Saturday, March 1, 2025, unless otherwise noted on scholarship criteria. If you have questions, please contact your counselor or Laura Heck in Educational Services at lheck@jths.org or 815-727-6972.
If video submission files are too large, please use the following link to upload.
- Addison Locke Memorial Scholarship/JTHS Foundation
- Argonne Hispanic/Latino Club STEM Scholar Scholarship
- Barry Vanderhyden Memorial Scholarship
- Black Student Union Scholarship
- Bruce Houseknecht Scholarship
- Constellation Nuclear Scholarship
- Constructing Futures Scholarship
- DJ DreLaurin Minority Scholarship
- Don Schmitt Wrestling Memorial Scholarship
- Dorothy W. Young Memorial Scholarship
- Dr. Thomas and Suzanne Streitz Scholarship
- Edmond and Kathleen Williams Memorial Scholarship
- Joliet Township Athletic Booster Scholarship
- Joliet Township High School Foundation Renewable Scholarship
- Joliet West Counselor Scholarship
- Larry Walsh Memorial Scholarship
- Luis G. Medina Memorial Scholarship
- Maria E. Ibarra Scholarship - PENDING
- Maya A. Smith Memorial Scholarship
- Prestige Athletic Leadership & Excellence Scholarship
- Shorewood HUGS Scholarship
- Steelmen Future Artist Scholarship
- Strike Up the Band Scholarship
- William A. Heinze Orchestra Scholarship
- Zuppa Memorial Scholarship