Closing Date: 9/26/2024
Scholarship Description
Full four-year scholarships to top colleges for academically outstanding high school seniors from low-income backgrounds.
District Scholarships
JTHS District Scholarships
JTHS has generous donors who provide scholarships specifically to our seniors. These scholarships are now available. Apply by clicking on the District Donor Scholarship and District Committee Scholarship links below.
All scholarship applications are due by Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Community Scholarship Bulletin Board
Scholarships are listed by month according to deadlines for submission. Please keep in mind that the more scholarships you apply for, the more scholarships you may receive. Make sure you are reading the scholarship eligibility criteria carefully before applying.
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- Undocumented Friendly Scholarships
- North Central College Cardinal Pledge Scholarship Opportunity
Amount: $500.00
Closing Date: 10/8/2025
Scholarship Description:
Our belief is that achieving a high grade point average should not be the only criteria for determining who deserves to be helped. For that reason we are offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by an evaluation of the essays that are submitted.
Scholarships are intended for our future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This award is available to high school seniors and all students attending a post secondary educational facility.
You are not required to be taking Engineering courses to be eligible.
How to Apply
AI generated applications will not be accepted.
Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following question:
When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?
Amount of award: $500.00
Deadline for entry: October 8, 2025
Submit essay to
There is no application packet for this award. Please do not include your resume at this time.
Be sure to include your full name as well as the name of the school you are attending this year and your plans for next year.
Closing Date: 2/28/2025
Click HERE to Download Application!
Scholarship Description:
Any individual who will be enrolled in full time, undergraduate degree program at a 2 or 4 year university, college, or technical school. Applicants applying reside within 90 mile radius of the Marquis Facility located in Hennepin, Illinois.
See the attached for more information.
Amount: $1,000.00
Closing Date: 2/18/2025
Click HERE to Download Application
Scholarship Description:
$1,000 scholarships will be available for two high school seniors who resides in Jackson, Manhattan or Wilton Township. The recipients are advised to be available for the award presentation at the Michael J. McHugh Manhattan Irish festival on March 8th (parade 11am, ceremony 3pm). The scholarship will be paid by the Irish American Society of County Will to the college or university of the winner’s choice.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a high school senior from Jackson, Manhattan or Wilton Township
- Must be available March 8th, 2025 (Parade & Introduction)
- Must have a high school cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better
- Must have two letters of recommendations from individuals not related to the applicant
- Must demonstrate volunteerism through participation in community service and activities
- Must demonstrate participation in athletics or club activities (inside or outside school)
Amount: $1,000
Closing Date: 2/28/2025
Click HERE for Application and Instructions
Scholarship Description:
The Barbara J. Rakoski and Cathie A. Tonkin Volunteerism College Scholarship is named for the two Holly Club members who spearheaded the award and who faithfully served the club for years. Barbara Rakoski joined Holly Club in 1984 and was an active member until her passing in 2003. After Barb’s death, Cathie Tonkin chaired the volunteerism scholarship committee for more than a decade. At the time of her passing in 2020, Cathie was a Holly Club Patroness.
Holly Club scholarships are one way in which members demonstrate commitment to the youth in our community. We hope to recognize and encourage young people who are already exhibiting the practice of being outward focused and showing gratitude through the act of giving back.
Consequently, while we wish to award students (male or female) whose GPA and college entrance scores demonstrate the ability to succeed in post-high school academics, it is the characteristic of desiring to serve that is the most important in the selection process.
Every year, three recipients pursuing a two-year or four-year degree will be awarded a one-time $1,000 scholarship. Application materials are being provided to 16 area high schools in the greater Joliet area; more than one winner per school is permissible.
Scholarship applicants will have to provide the following:
- An electronically completed, typed application using the Word document found on this Dropbox link. (Please download from Dropbox and enable editing in read-only mode so that you can complete the fillable fields.)
- Your resume.
- A typed 250- to 500-word essay detailing how your various volunteer experiences have had an impact on you as well as on those whom you have served.
- One letter of recommendation from an adult who supervises a volunteer activity in which you regularly participate. Details/anecdotes regarding your commitment to service are especially important.
Deadline for submission is February 28, 2025.
Closing Date: 2/28/2025
Closing Date: 2/28/2025
Scholarship Description:
Sarah's Inn is launching the 5th annual Youth Voice Award! We are inviting high school students (ages 14-18) to write, sing, dance, or create a work of art to use their voice to end the cycle of relationship violence in their community! Two projects will be selected to each win a $2,000 award! Each project should finish the sentence, "Together, We Can..." and respond to one of the questions listed below.
Use your voice and join Sarah's Inn to break the cycle of relationship violence. To participate in the 2025 Youth Voice Award, select one of the questions listed below and finish the sentence, "Together, We Can..."
- How does the way that media supports/promotes the ideals of gender roles and toxic masculinity impact you?
- How does the way we address relationship violence need to change?
- How would you work to break the cycle of relationship violence in your community?
Projects must respond to one of the themes listed above. You are encouraged to use concrete examples, personal reflections, and specific proposals in your piece. Submissions will be accepted in any of the following forms:
- Art
- Writing
- Video
- Music
- Dance
- Spoken Word
All entries must include a 2-3 sentence statement explaining your piece and how it connects to the theme.
Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2025
Two projects will be selected to each win a $2,000 award!
All participants must be between the ages of 14-18 and enrolled in high school in Illinois. Please visit our website for judging criteria and guidelines.
Additional information can be found on the attached flyer or at We encourage you to help us spread the word by sharing this opportunity with students
Amount: $1,000
Closing Date: 2/28/2025
Download Poster
More Info
Scholarship Description:
Recognizing young women for their commitment to volunteerism, volunteer leadership achievements and dedication to empowering women worldwide.
The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels. Zonta International offers 37 international awards of US$5,000. Each district may submit one applicant for consideration for an international award. The five largest districts may submit a second applicant for a total of two applicants.
Who is Eligible? Women, aged 16-19 on 1st April each year, living in a Zonta district or who are citizens of a Zonta country, who demonstrate evidence of the following, are eligible to apply.
- Active commitment to volunteerism.
- Experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid).
- Volunteer leadership achievements.
- Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs.
- Support for Zonta International’s mission of building a better world for women and girls.
Note that applicants from geographic areas within a Zonta district where no clubs are located may apply via a Zonta e-Club or directly to the district to be eligible for the international awards. Club members and individuals with direct membership with Zonta International and employees of Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women, and their family members (ancestors, descendants, adoptees, siblings, nieces or cousins, and those of their spouse or co-habiting partner), are not eligible to apply for the Awards. Z club and Golden Z club members are eligible to apply.
Previous district and international recipients are not eligible to apply to renew the Award for a second year.
Closing Date: 3/21/2025
Scholarship Description
- Personality traits similar to Stephanie - strong work ethic, dedication to schoolwork and sports, always cordial and polite to others, puts others ahead of self, and desire for completion and success
- High School senior student with a minimum 3.0 GPA and proven plans to attend a four year college.
- Completion of application and essay.
- At least one letter of recommendation.
See attached for more information and application
Amount: $2,500.00
Closing Date: 3/15/2025
Click HERE to Download APPLICATION
Click HERE to Download Fact Sheet
Scholarship Description
Demonstrate strong academic success with a minimum GPA equivalent of B or higher;
- Demonstrate significant volunteer contributions to her community;
- Demonstrate strong character;
- Be able to easily express her personal philosophy or purpose as to why it is important to volunteer;
- Be well-rounded;
- Be in the process of applying to or already accepted at an accredited two or four year college or university or trade school; and,
- Submit a brief essay and other materials as outlined below.
- Must attend one of the following high schools
○ Joliet West or Central High School ○ Joliet Catholic Academy ○ Minooka High School ○ Providence Catholic High School
Closing Date: 3/14/2025
Scholarship Description:
Eligible students must be planning to study a construction related field, such as architecture, engineering, or construction management. Applicants must be a high school senior who will be attending college full time in the fall and pursuing an undergraduate degree, and have a C or better average. See the website for application and more information.
Closing Date: 3/14/2025
Scholarship Description:
Graduating high school seniors beginning college in Fall of 2025 may apply. See the website for more information.
Click Here to Download Application!
Closing Date: 3/3/2025
Scholarship Description:
This scholarship is open to current and former patients who received full braces at Associated Orthodontists and are currently high school seniors. Documented acceptance for post-high school education for the 2025 academic year will be required to receive the scholarship. The program is open through March 3, 2025. Associated Orthodontists will review all entries. Winners will be announced in April, 2025. Scholarship recipients will be determined based on submitted essay, academic achievement, and participation in school and community activities.
ELIGIBILITY 1) Graduating high school senior in December 2024 or May 2025 2) Current or former patient, who received full braces from Associated Orthodontists 3) GPA of at least 3.0 A
Website: Click Here to Open Link!
Closing Date: 3/1/2025
Scholarship Description:
- Be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States
- Exhibit a strong commitment to complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
- Demonstrate financial need ($65,000 or lower household income)
- Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
- Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
- Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and
- Be a United States citizen
Closing Date: 3/1/2025
Click HERE to Download APPLICATION
Scholarship Requirements:
- Must be a graduating Illinois high school senior.
- Must be applying to attend a university/college located in Illinois. Awards may not be deferred. If you need to change schools after being awarded a scholarship, please contact the TOI office as soon as possible.
- Must be a U.S. citizen and resident of Illinois.
- Must plan to attend a university/college in Illinois as a full-time student.
- Must have a history of extracurricular activities that demonstrates a willingness to accept leadership responsibilities (student government, club officer, etc.) or a commitment to civic responsibility, social consciousness and a willingness to serve the community (community service projects, volunteer activities with local service agencies or charitable institutions, etc.)
- Must submit a 500-word essay on The Role of Township Government in Today's Society and in the Future that will include information gained from an interview with an elected township official.
- Must submit two letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, local officials or businesspeople.
- Must submit an official high school transcript.
- Must submit a cover letter and completed application form.
- This application may be submitted online or mailed through the USPS. All submissions must be dated and post marked no later than 12:00 AM on March 1, 2025. All emailed submissions must have attachments separated and in a .pdf format.
Closing Date: 3/17/2025
Scholarship Description:
The National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc is a non-profit 501c3 organization founded in 1974. NHBW, Inc. works to improve the quality of life, facilitate preservation, achieve self-empowerment, and promote economic development. Membership reflects a diversity of women from varied business, professional and community disciplines crossing all economic, social, and educational levels.
Silver Cross Healthy Community Commission (SCHCC) Scholarship Program
Since 2008, the Silver Cross Healthy Community Commission Scholarship Program has supplied over 2.15 million dollars in scholarships and grants to create a stronger, healthier future for the residents of the eastside of Joliet. (Only students who live in zip codes: 60432, 60433, 60436, and Lockport Grade School District #89 60441 are eligible for this SCHCC Scholarship).
Senior High School Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must be a college-bound high school senior at the time of applying for the application.
- Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student in a two- or four-year accredited program, college, or university by the Fall of 2025.
- Applicants must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
- Applicants agrees to use the scholarship funds only for educational expenses.
- Only students who live in zip codes: 60432, 60433, 60436, and Lockport Grade School District #89 60441 are eligible for this SCHCC Scholarship.
- Only students who are residents of WILL COUNTY are eligible for the NHBW Scholarship.
- Students may only apply for one of these scholarships: SCHCC or NHBW
Senior High School Application Process (Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025)
- Applicants must complete all sections of the application (this includes the three-hundred-word essay).
- Include a separate SEALED OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT from the high school with the application.
- Include a color photo of yourself with the application (with name on back).
- One letter of recommendation is required from a high school official or one from a community leader.
- Include a typed 300-word essay explaining your career goal and how this scholarship will impact your post-secondary plans.
Amount: $1,500
Closing Date: 3/4/2025
Scholarship Description:
- All Application information must be typed on the form provided. Re-creations will not be accepted. An electronic version is available online at: Do NOT print on both sides of the paper. Resumes and letters of referral are not accepted. Call the Farm Bureau office with any questions/concerns at 815-727-4811 or email
- To be eligible for a scholarship, parents of scholarship applicants or the applicant him or herself must be members of the Will County Farm Bureau in good standing before January 1, 2024. Anyone 23 years of age and older must have their own Will County Farm Bureau membership to apply. Students will qualify from their parent's years in Farm Bureau as long as membership is requested at age 23. This scholarship is for any college or accredited school of higher learning or technology.
- If a person has been awarded either scholarship offered by the Will County Farm Bureau Foundation in 2023 and the monies were distributed, they will not be eligible for either scholarship for 2024.
- If an applicant receives a 2024 scholarship offered by the Will County Farm Bureau Foundation, they will not be eligible for any Will County Farm Bureau scholarship for the following year (2025).
- DEADLINE RULES: The deadline for scholarships will be determined by the Foundation Board of Directors. The deadline for the 2024 scholarship application will be March 4, 2024. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED! All applications must be postmarked and/or hand delivered to the Farm Bureau office on or before the deadline date. If all information requested is not present with the application on or before the deadline date, the application will be considered incomplete.
- The Foundation Scholarship committee will review the applications in March and will notify the designated winners in April. All applications are judged on with personal identifiers removed. The decision of the Will County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship Board of Directors will be final.
- Please note: College freshmen will not receive their payment of scholarship funds before December 1st, 2024, and will be applied to their second semester. College enrollment is verified after September 1st, 2024, and scholarships are not paid until verifications are received. All other scholarship payments (Sophomore-Doctorate) will be made no earlier than August 15th, 2024. You must be in college for the 2024-25 school year and not graduated to receive the 2024 scholarship. The check will be sent directly to the school of enrollment and may be applied to tuition, room and board, or college fees.
- The number of scholarships to be awarded will be determined at the Foundation Annual meeting by the Foundation Board of Directors. This year, twenty-six (26)-$1,500.00 scholarships will be provided to high school seniors and twenty-six (26) - $1500.00 scholarships will be provided to college students completing their sophomore year through possible doctorate.
- If a person on the Board of Directors of the Foundation Committee has a relative applying for a scholarship, they will not rate that application on the final evaluation.
- Applications are to be delivered/ mailed to the following location: Will County Farm Bureau Foundation, 100 Manhattan Rd., Joliet, IL 60433
Closing Date: 3/31/2025
Click Here for APPLICATION
Scholarship Description
Vivian Ward Pennymon Scholarship
Minority based Scholarship
Must Live in Joliet, IL or Attend Joliet, IL Public School
- Completed application
- Verification of parent or guardian's income
- High school transcripts
- ACT or SAT scores
- Academic reference (written)
- Personal reference (written)
- (1) Page handwritten essay
- Return before March 31 (or postmarked by March 31)
Amount: $2,247.00
Closing Date: 4/10/2025
Scholarship Description
The Dr. Paul Morimoto Scholarship supports undergraduate students pursuing a healthcare-related field of study at Joliet Junior College, the University of St. Francis, or Lewis University. Scholarships are awarded directly to the recipient’s institution in the form of a check and may only be used for tuition.
Eligibility Requirements:
Must be an undergraduate student at JJC, USF or Lewis.
Field of study must be healthcare related.
How to Apply:
Submit your application by noon on April 10, 2025.
Email your transcript to Amanda Quinn at by the same deadline.
Note: Transcripts not received by the deadline will result in removal from the applicant pool.
For more information, contact:
Jen Howard:
Amanda Quinn:
Apply Today:
Scholarship Application Form or
Amount: $1,000.00
Closing Date: 4/10/2025
Scholarship Description
2025 Joliet Rotary Scholarship Application for Students of Joliet High Schools.
The Joliet Rotary Club is proud to offer six (6) scholarships of $1,000 each to graduating seniors from Joliet high schools. Scholarships are awarded as checks payable to the accredited two- or four-year colleges or universities where recipients will enroll and may only be used for tuition.
Students graduating in 2025 from the following schools are eligible to apply:
- Joliet Township High School – Central Campus
- Joliet Township High School – West Campus
- Joliet Catholic Academy
Scholarship Details:
- Two (2) scholarships will be awarded per school.
- Scholarships are restricted to tuition expenses.
How to Apply:
- Complete the application by noon on April 10, 2025.
- Email your transcript to Amanda Quinn at by the same deadline.
Note: Transcripts not received by the deadline will result in disqualification.
For more information, contact:
- Jen Howard:
- Amanda Quinn:
Apply today! Scholarship Application Form or
Closing Date: 4/1/2025
Scholarship Description:
Are you looking for a career that is in demand? Are you interested in or currently taking classes in the healthcare, professional, IT, financial, manufacturing, or transportation and logistics industries? Connect to Your Future can help you complete education/training and develop the skills you need to find the right career for you.
You May Qualify for:
Assistance with tuition, fees, and books up to $10,000
Gas cards and Bus Passes
Paid Internships and on-the-job training
Free NCRC Certification
The Connect to Your Future Program through Workforce Development at Joliet Junior College can help you pay for additional education and training. Applicants must be 17-24, have a high school diploma, GED, or current high school senior, live in Will County, and meet grant requirements.
For more information, contact Jailen Bey at 815-280-1520 or
Complete our questionnaire today: Will County Questionnaire | Joliet Junior College (
Visit our website, Workforce Development | Joliet Junior College (
Closing Date: 4/1/2025
Scholarship Description:
This scholarship is open to any student regardless of grade point average or financial need. To qualify the student must be a US citizen, a high school senior and must have been accepted to a and plan to attend an institution of higher learning within the United States. See the website to learn more an apply.
Amount: $10,000.00
Closing Date: 4/23/2025
Scholarship Description:
The Student-View Scholarship is a unique opportunity for high school seniors.
It is open to all students regardless of academic achievement or financial need.
Student Insights will award the following prizes:
One (1) individual prize of a $10,000 scholarship.
Two (2) individual prize of a $1,000 scholarship.
Three (3) individual prizes, consisting of $500 each
It is exceptionally easy to apply:
* NO minimum SAT or ACT score
* NO minimum grade point average
* NO lengthy, time-consuming paperwork
* NO essays
* NO application fees
Simply complete a 15-25 minute online survey about local colleges. You will then be automatically entered into a random drawing for a scholarship award.
Closing Date: 5/15/2025
Click HERE for English Flyer
Click HERE for Spanish Flyer
Click HERE for Counselor Signature Form
Scholarship Description:
Did you know that the JJC Foundation awarded more than $1million in scholarships last year?
See the attached flyers to apply between February 1st and May 15th.
Closing Date: 5/21/2025
Click HERE for Application!
Scholarship Description:
The Cathedral Area Preservation Association of Joliet (CAPA) will award two (2) scholarships in the amount of $1000 each to high school seniors residing in the Cathedral Area of Joliet for their pursuit of higher education beyond their high school years. Higher education can be a community college, a four year college or a trade school.
Applicants must live within the CAPA boundaries. The household must be a registered current CAPA member. Applicants must have attended a Joliet area high school for at least three (3) years or must have been home schooled within the CAPA boundaries for at least three (3) years.
Supporting documents necessary for the applications must include a letter of acceptance. This need NOT be a four (4) year institute of higher learning but can also be a two (2) year community college or a trade school. Also necessary is a statement from the high school counselor or administrator that the student has been in good standing at the school for at least three years. There is also an essay requirement. The subject of the essay is on the application.
The application submission deadline is May 21, 2025. For questions, please contact Penny Curran at Applications and supporting documents should be sent to Ms. Curran.
Amount: $5,000
Closing Date: 5/30/2025
Click HERE to Download FLYER (English)
Click HERE to Download FLYER (Spanish)
Scholarship Description:
This scholarship is available to students taking classes at JJC with the intention of pursuing one of the following professions:
- Elementary education teacher (first through eighth grade)
- Secondary education teacher (high school)
- Special education teacher
- Nurse
This scholarship is available to students who attest to one or more of the following:
- Low or moderate income households (income at or below 300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines for the size of the household);
- Households that experienced unemployment as a result of the pandemic; and/or
- Households that qualify for Medicaid, PELL, SNAP, or WIC.
Students must complete the Joliet Junior College Student Attestation/ Scholarship Application each semester for which they are requesting scholarship dollars. No one can submit a scholarship application on another individual's behalf.