The Joliet Township High School Strategic Plan is a comprehensive document that identifies the district’s mission, objectives, strategies, parameters, and beliefs. The plan charts the future of the district and is a living document that is used to improve our schools. Every decision the district makes directly relates to the Strategic Plan, and all district and school improvement plans are directly aligned to the plan. The JTHS Strategic Planning process is led by an external facilitator to ensure an objective point-of-view. The Plan and all associated action plans are written collaboratively by diverse groups of individuals comprised of parents, students, teachers, administrators, Board of Education and community members. The collaborative approach to Strategic Planning ensures that all JTHS stakeholder groups are represented. This group is truly a microcosm of our community.
The Strategic Plan is a five-year plan; however, it is reviewed yearly and Periodic Updates and Renewals are held to make revisions that may be necessary due to changes in society, legislation or circumstances of the district.
At JTHS, each strategy contains a set of action plans that have specific steps written to accomplish the district’s objectives. Every summer, the JTHS superintendent and administrative team review each set of action plans to assess progress and to determine implementation for the upcoming school year. JTHS administrators are responsible for action plan implementation and are evaluated annually based upon Strategic Planning progress.