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Social Emotional Survey Permission - Deadline Nov. 10

The following message was delivered to Parents & Guardians Who Opted Out of District/School Issued Surveys on 11/8/21 at 8am

We are sending this message again so that parents and guardians are aware that the deadline to complete the Survey Permission Form for participation in the Social-Emotional Survey is Nov. 10.  Please disregard this communication if you already completed the Survey Permission Form or if you do not wish to complete the form.  

Dear Parent/Guardian, 

Your student did not participate in the first survey we gave to assess social and emotional health because you indicated at registration that you did not want your student to participate in school/district issued surveys. 
We are sending this email to provide you with the opportunity to give us permission so that your student can take the second social/emotional health survey that takes place on December 1.  The survey asks students to reflect on their own mindsets and approaches to learning.  Survey responses provide invaluable insights related to our students’ experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs.  Responses are also used to identify student supports and additional programs that the general student body can benefit from.  The survey should not take more than 20-30 minutes to complete and there is no loss of instructional time since the survey is administered to all students during class.   
We hope that you will consider changing your student’s survey status to allow for their participation in this important assessment.  You can grant permission by completing the Survey Permission Form.   The form allows you to add more than one student, so please only submit one form if you have multiple students.  The form must be submitted by Wednesday, November 10 for your student to participate in the social/emotional survey.  If you do not want your student to participate, you do not need to submit the form.