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Pathways Campus

The JTHS Pathways Campus, an in-district program that runs during the school day for students who struggle academically or behaviorally in the traditional learning environment.  The JTHS Pathways Campus empowers general education and special education students to experience success through various academic, social emotional, and vocational supports and pathways. 

In order to enroll in the JTHS Pathways Campus, a student must receive a recommendation to the program on behalf of existing district Special Education IEP teams, Behavioral Health Teams, or through JTHS administrators. Parents or guardians must attend a conference and students must participate in an entrance interview prior to receiving acceptance into the program.

Once enrolled in the JTHS Pathways Campus, students will receive guided instruction through the APEX online learning system that is aligned to the JTHS district curriculum and geared towards providing students college and career readiness skills, along with vocational skills and experiences. In addition to the online learning platform, social and emotional supports will be integrated into the curriculum and a full-time guidance counselor will be on-site to support students. 

Jo Wooten

Director Of Alternate Services

Christine Ebenroth

Office Staff